The first task of the project: Finland

The aim of our project is to discover positivity in ourselves, our schools and living environments. On the first level, we wanted the students to think about their own positive features and strengths, as well as to find them in others. We talked a lot about this with our students and it was especially heart-warming to see how they put a lot of time and thought to say positive things about their classmates. Every class produced a poster where their strenghts were collected together. Here are the Finnish posters and some close-up photos.

Projektimme ensimmäinen tehtävä käsitteli omien positiivisten puolien ja vahvuuksien löytämistä. Tärkeää oli myös havaita luokkakavereiden vahvuuksia ja niitä oppilaat tuumivatkin pitkään ja hartaasti. Tuloksena oli jokaisen luokan oma vahvuusjuliste!


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